
Friday, July 30, 2010

Merpati Putih And James Randi Challenge

James Randi Challenge

ames Randi, a.k.a. The Amazing Randi, magician andJames Randi author of numerous works skeptical of paranormal, supernatural, and pseudoscientific claims has for about ten years offered "a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power." His rules were little more than what any reasonable scientist would require. If you are a mental spoon bender, you couldn't use your own spoons. If you claimed to see auras, you'd have to do so under controlled conditions. If you claimed to be able to do remote viewing, you wouldn't be given credit for coming close in some vague way. If you were going to demonstrate dowsing powers, you would have to be prepared to be tested under controlled conditions. If you were going to do psychic surgery or experience the stigmata, you would have to do so with cameras watching your every move.


Application for Status of Claimant


I, James Randi, through the JREF, will pay US$1,000,000 [One Million Dollars/US] to any person who can demonstrate any psychic, supernatural or paranormal ability under satisfactory observing conditions. Such demonstration must take place under the following rules and limitations:

1. This is the primary and most important of these rules: Applicant must state clearly in advance, and applicant and JREF will agree upon, what powers and/or abilities will be demonstrated, the limits of the proposed demonstration (so far as time, location and other variables are concerned) and what will constitute both a positive and a negative result.

2. Only an actual performance of the stated nature and scope, within the agreed-upon limits, will be accepted. Anecdotal accounts or records of previous events are not accepted nor considered.

3. We will consult competent statisticians when an evaluation of the experimental design, is required. We have no interest in theories nor explanations of how the claimed powers might work; if an applicant provides us with such material, it will be ignored and discarded.

4. Applicant agrees that all data (photographic, recorded, written, etc.) gathered as a result of the setup, the protocol, and the actual testing, may be used freely by the JREF.

5. After an agreement is reached on the protocol, no part of the testing procedure may be changed in any way without the further agreement – in writing – of all parties concerned. JR may or may not be present at some preliminary or some formal tests, but he will not interact with the materials used, nor with the protocol, unless specifically requested to do so by the applicant.

6. In all cases, applicant will be required to perform a preliminary test either before an appointed representative, if distance and time dictate that need, or in a location where a member or representative of the JREF staff can attend. This preliminary test is to determine if the applicant is likely to perform as promised during a formal test, using the agreed-upon protocol. To date, no applicant has passed the preliminary test, and this has eliminated the need for formal testing in those cases. There is no limit on the number of times an applicant may re-apply, but re-application can take place only after 12 months have elapsed since the completion of the preliminary test.

7. All of the applicant's expenses such as transportation, accommodation, materials, assistants, and/or all other costs for any persons or procedures incurred in pursuit of the reward, are the sole responsibility of the applicant. Neither the JREF nor JR will bear any of the costs.

8. When entering into this challenge, as far as this may be done by established legal statutes, the applicant surrenders any and all rights to legal action against Mr. Randi, and/or against any persons peripherally involved, and/or against the James Randi Educational Foundation. This applies to injury, and/or accident, and/or any other damage of a physical and/or emotional nature, and/or financial and/or professional loss, and/or damage of any kind. However, this rule in no way affects the awarding of the prize, once it is properly won in accord with the protocol.

9. At the formal test, in advance, an independent person will be placed in charge of a personal check from James Randi for US$10,000. In the event that the claimant is successful under the agreed-upon terms and conditions, that check shall be immediately surrendered to the claimant, and within ten days the James Randi Educational Foundation will pay to the claimant the remainder of the reward, for a total of US$1,000,000. One million dollars in negotiable bonds is held by an investment firm in New York, in the "James Randi Educational Foundation Prize Account" as surety for the prize funds. Validation of this account and its current status may be obtained by contacting the Foundation by telephone, fax, or e-mail.

10. Copies of this form are available free of charge to any qualified person who requests it, or it can be downloaded from the Internet, at

11. This offer is made by James Randi through the JREF, on the behalf of no other person, agency or organization. Although others may become involved in the examination of claims and may add their reward money to the total in certain circumstances, James Randi (via the JREF) will carry out the implementation and management of the challenge. JREF will not entertain any demand that the prize money be deposited in escrow, displayed in cash, or otherwise produced in advance of the test being performed.

12. This offer is not open to any and all persons. Before being considered as an applicant, the person applying must satisfy two conditions: First, he/she must have a “media presence,” which means having been published, written about, or known to the media in regard to his/her claimed abilities or powers. This can be established by producing articles, videos, books, or other published material that specifically addresses the person’s abilities. Second, he/she must produce at least one signed document from an academic who has witnessed the powers or abilities of the person, and will validate that these powers or abilities have been verified.

13. An applicant can be from or in any part of the world, and gender, age, race, and educational background are not factors for acceptance.

14. This prize will continue to be offered until it is awarded.


16. This notarized form must be accompanied by a brief, two-paragraph description of what will constitute the demonstration. Upon a protocol being developed, that description may be extended.

PLEASE: Do not burden us with theories, philosophical observations, previous examples, anecdotal evidence or other comments! We are only interested in an actual demonstration.

NOTE: No special rules, exceptions, conditions, standards, or favors will be granted without the mutual agreement of all those concerned – in advance. Any applicant who refuses to agree to meet the rules as outlined here, will not be considered to have ever been an applicant. Only complete agreement with these rules will allow the "applicant" to become a "claimant." Applicant, by signing, notarizing and submitting this form, signifies agreement with all of the above rules. Be advised that you should conduct proper and secure tests of your own to determine whether your abilities or claims are actually valid.

This application will be signed by JR and returned to the applicant by mail after a test protocol has been mutually agreed upon, and a test date and location have been determined.

IMPORTANT: Only claims that can be verified by evidence under proper observing conditions will be accepted. Also, JREF will NOT accept claims of the existence of deities or demons/angels, the validity of exorcism, religious claims, cloudbusting, causing the Sun to rise or the stars to move, etc. JREF will also NOT test claims that are likely to cause injury of any sort, such as those involving the withholding of air, food or water, or the use of illicit materials, drugs, or dangerous devices.

In January 2008, the JREF announced that the offer of the million dollar prize will cease on March 6, 2010.

There are others offering prizes to anyone who can demonstrate psychic powers. After collecting the million dollars from Randi, successful psychics might go to India and contact B. Premanand who will pay Rs. 100,000 "to any person or persons who will demonstrate any psychic, supernatural of paranormal ability of any kind under satisfactory observing conditions." Also, "Prabir Ghosh will pay Rs. 20,00,000* to anyone who claims to possess supernatural power of any kind and proves the same without resorting to any trick in the location specified by Prabir Ghosh."

The Australian Skeptics offer $100,000 (Australian), $80,000 for the psychic and $20,000 for anyone "who nominates a person who successfully completes the Australian Skeptics Challenge." If you nominate yourself, and are successful, you get the whole hundred grand.

The Association for Skeptical Inquiry (ASKE), a U.K. skeptic organization, offers £12,000 for proof of psychic powers.

The Independent Investigations Group "offers a $50,000 prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event."

The North Texas Skeptics offer $12,000 to any person who can demonstrate any psychic or paranormal power or ability under scientifically valid observing conditions.

The Quebec Skeptics offer $10,000 to any astrologer who can demonstrate her craft according in a formal scientific experiment.

The Tampa Bay Skeptics offer $1,000 to anyone able to demonstrate any paranormal phenomenon under mutually agreed-upon observing conditions.

A group in New Zealand calling itself "Immortality" is offering a prize of $NZ2,000,000 to anyone "who can display an actual paranormal ability, under controlled conditions." One million goes to the successful applicant and one million to the charity of his or her choice.

Professor John Sohl has been kind enough to supply us with a report on the recent preliminary testing of the Indonesian claimants for the JREF million-dollar prize. Through their two American representatives, these folks applied in the regular way, submitting the notarized application form, and we arranged for representatives -- including Professor Sohl -- to conduct the preliminary test. As we announced last week, they failed the test.

I will briefly outline here a few of the expected "hallmarks" of this procedure as they took place in Utah at the Ott Planetarium of Weber State University at Ogden. In the pre-trial demonstration, which I had suggested so that their regular operating methods could be clearly seen, and at which they would be very successful, they achieved 100 percent results using their own blindfolds and their own blindfolding techniques. That was to be expected, of course. Though the "Master" performer of the group simply refused to be tested, a student with "over 20 years of Vibravision experience" did submit to examination.

In the preliminary test, done under the conditions chosen by the claimants, the results for 100 percent correct. At that point, proper blindfolds were applied to conduct the formal preliminary tests. To quote Professor Sohl, the "subject voiced repeated concern about the blindfold and was clearly concerned about it. After over 45 minutes of delays, he managed to free the blindfold enough to see (which is caught completely on video tape). The clearly-loose blindfold was reapplied at which point the subject became distressed again. Finally, after many more delays the subject ran the test . . ." After a series of delays totaling over an hour, the results were three correct out of 19 trials, while the odds by chance alone would have called for 3.2 correct.

This is what always happens during these preliminary tests. No one has yet passed any preliminary tests for the JREF prize. What made this set of tests of particular importance was that the two American sponsors had invested a total of $80,000 in these claimants, thoroughly confident that they would win the prize. Though Andrew Harter and myself tried to warn the Americans not to make such an investment, our pleas -- as they say -- fell on deaf ears.

We want to thank sincerely all those who were involved in acting on behalf of the JREF to conduct this test. I'm sure there was a certain amount of dismay on their part when they saw the extreme disillusionment of the sponsors. I have assured them however that those who were deceived always manage to make adjustments in their thinking, and can rationalize away such failures for reasons that have nothing to do with whether or not they were cheated, lied to, or swindled. We can look forward to hearing from the Americans that they are still convinced of the magical powers of these martial artists - who have obviously discovered that there is more advantage in promoting nonsense and superstition than in teaching a legitimate art.

You may wish to go to, the web page of
I. G. M. P., and see just how much they will charge to teach blind people to see. It amounts to $116,500 for the full course. To quote their advertisement:

Objects around us generate vibrations and ILMU GETARAN MERPATI PUTIH relies on our innate ability to detect the vibrations of objects nearby. This ability or sense can be improved by practice.

Well, 20 years of practice doesn't seem to have improved the Indonesian practitioner who performed for the preliminary test in Utah. He did no better than a Chinese fortune cookie. And just why didn't the "Master" of these performers allow himself to be tested? There has to be a very good reason for that, though the believers will reason around it. This group is very similar to the Mexicans I tested some years ago on Japanese television, in that they, too, claim that they can teach the blind to see. This is a cruel hoax and deception. We at the JREF are very distressed to know that these things are going on, and that we are essentially powerless to stop them.

TEST Merpati Putih
Vibravision Test Results Report
Test failed to achieve higher than random chance.
Of a total of 19 trials there were three correct responses.
There were 6 choices per trial.
The statistically expected response rate was 19/6 = 3.2.
This is in exact agreement with the results.


Subject 1:

Pre-trial demo: success rate = 100% using their blindfolds.
Pre-trial demo time: 6 colors selected in under a minute.

Actual Test Data with our blindfolds:
Positive outcomes marked with ""
Trial Displayed Selected
1 ----GRN -------GRN
2 --- BLU ------- BLK
3 --- WHT ------ BLU
4 --- BLU ------WHT

Total time was approximately 10 minutes.

As per a request by Nate, Trials 7-12 were done with a slightly different test procedure. The colored cloth swaths were stored at floor level and the die was rolled on the carpet to omit the noise of the die on the table. Also, most of these flags were displayed by the claimant, Nate.

Subject 2:

There were many delays with this subject. He was clearly nervous. Nate expressed concerns about the subject's
skills and we repeatedly asked Nate to have their BEST person take the test. The "Master" continuously refused
and so subject number 2 (with a claim by Nate that the subject had over 20 years of Vibravision experience) continued.

After repeated requests, he refused to do a pre-trial demo. Subject voiced repeated concern about the blindfold and
was clearly upset about the blindfold. After over 45 minutes of delays he managed to free the blindfold enough to see (which is caught completely on video tape) and stood up with great confidence slapped the table with his hands a couple times
grasping paper off the table. The clearly loose blindfolds were reapplied at which point the subject clearly became distressed again. Finally, after many delays the subject ran the test with the following results:
Positive outcomes marked with ""

Trial Displayed Selected
1 YEL WHT (There was a stray noise.)
2 RED BLU (There was a stray noise.)
6 RED YEL (Had to ask to repeat.)


Total time was approximately 6 minutes. This was after a set of subject induced delays totaling over an hour.

Additional comments: The second subject complained of alcohol in his eyes. Paul (who applied the blindfolds) insists
that the alcohol never got closer than 1/4 inch to the lid margins. Later calls to me personally by Nate contained
complaints that their eye lashes were being pulled on and that they were distracted by it.

Further notes:
Nate informed me that they were teaching blind people from Indonesia for free. This is not the case for Americans.
As clear evidence that they are attempting to take blind people's money, I refer you to the following URL:

As you can see, the total cost for the full 18 month three-part training is about $110,000 per participant (not
counting air faire to Indonesia). The fees are not refundable in the case that VV ability in not achieved.

Nate was clearly distraught and informed me by phone the following day that they would get proof
from experts at the University of Indonesia, Jakarta, and reapply for the JREF prize monies at a later date.

Randi entered the international spotlight in 1972 when he publicly challenged the claims of Uri Geller. Randi accused Geller of being nothing more than a charlatan and a fraud, who used standard magic tricks to accomplish his allegedly paranormal feats, and he supported his claims in the book The Truth About Uri Geller. Geller unsuccessfully sued Randi for $15 million in 1991. Geller's suit against the Committee for Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP) was thrown out in 1995, and he was ordered to pay $120,000 for filing a frivolous lawsuit.
Randi was a founding fellow and prominent member of CSICOP. During the period when Geller was filing numerous civil suits against him, CSICOP's leadership, wanting to avoid becoming a target of Geller's litigation, requested that Randi refrain from commenting on Geller. Randi refused and resigned. However, he still maintains a respectful relationship with the group and frequently writes articles for its magazine.
Randi has gone on to write several books criticizing beliefs and claims regarding the paranormal. He has also demonstrated flaws in studies suggesting the existence of paranormal phenomena; in his Project Alpha hoax, Randi revealed that he had been able to orchestrate a three-year-long compromise of a privately-funded psychic research experiment. The hoax became a scandal and demonstrated the shortcomings of many paranormal research projects at the university level.
Randi has appeared on numerous TV shows, sometimes to directly debunk the claimed abilities of fellow guests. In a 1981 appearance on That's My Line, Randi appeared opposite psychic James Hydrick, who claimed that he could move things with his mind and demonstrated this ability on live television by apparently turning a page in a telephone book without touching it. Randi, having determined that Hydrick was surreptitiously blowing on the book, arranged packaging peanuts (polystyrene foam shapes) on the table in front of the telephone book for the demonstration, preventing Hydrick from demonstrating his abilities, which would have been exposed when the blowing moved the packaging. Many years later, Hydrick admitted his fraud.
Randi was awarded a MacArthur Foundation Genius award in 1986. The money was used for Randi's comprehensive exposé of faith healers, including Peter Popoff, W.V. Grant and Ernest Angley. When Popoff was exposed, he was forced to declare bankruptcy within the year.
In 1988, Randi tested the gullibility of the media by perpetrating a fraud of his own. By teaming up with Australia's 60 Minutes program and by releasing a fake press package, he built up publicity for a spirit channeler named Carlos who was actually artist Jose Alvarez, a friend of Randi. Randi would tell him what to say through sophisticated radio equipment. The media and the public were taken in, as no reporter bothered to check Carlos's credentials and history, which were all fabricated. The hoax was exposed on 60 Minutes; Carlos and Randi explained how they pulled it off.
In the book The Faith Healers, Randi explains his anger and relentlessness as arising out of compassion for the helpless victims of frauds. Randi has also been critical of João de Deus (John of God), a self-proclaimed psychic surgeon who has received international attention. Randi observed, referring to psychic surgery, "To any experienced conjurer, the methods by which these seeming miracles are produced are very obvious."
In 1982, Randi verified the abilities of Arthur Lintgen, a Philadelphia physician who is able to determine the classical music recorded on a vinyl LP solely by examining the grooves on the record. However, Lintgen does not claim to have any paranormal ability, merely knowledge of the way that the grooves form patterns on particular recordings.
James Randi stated that Daniel Dunglas Home was caught cheating on a few occasions, but the episodes were never made public, and that the accordion Home is supposed to have played without touching it was a one-octave mouth organ that Home concealed under his large moustache. James Randi writes that one-octave mouth organs were found in Home's belongings after his death. According to Randi 'around 1960' William Lindsay Gresham told Randi he had seen these mouth organs in the Home collection at the Society for Psychical Research. Eric Dingwall who catalogued Home's collection on its arrival at the SPR does not record the presence of the mouth organs. According to Peter Lamont, the author of an extensive Home biography, "It is unlikely Dingwall would have missed these or did not make them public.
Other Source :
Professor John Sohl has been kind enough to supply us with a report on the recent preliminary testing of the Indonesian claimants for the JREF million-dollar prize. Through their two American representatives, these folks applied in the regular way, submitting the notarized application form, and we arranged for representatives -- including Professor Sohl -- to conduct the preliminary test. As we announced last week, they failed the test.

I will briefly outline here a few of the expected "hallmarks" of this procedure as they took place in Utah at the Ott Planetarium of Weber State University at Ogden. In the pre-trial demonstration, which I had suggested so that their regular operating methods could be clearly seen, and at which they would be very successful, they achieved 100 percent results using their own blindfolds and their own blindfolding techniques. That was to be expected, of course. Though the "Master" performer of the group simply refused to be tested, a student with "over 20 years of Vibravision experience" did submit to examination.

In the preliminary test, done under the conditions chosen by the claimants, the results for 100 percent correct. At that point, proper blindfolds were applied to conduct the formal preliminary tests. To quote Professor Sohl, the "subject voiced repeated concern about the blindfold and was clearly concerned about it. After over 45 minutes of delays, he managed to free the blindfold enough to see (which is caught completely on video tape). The clearly-loose blindfold was reapplied at which point the subject became distressed again. Finally, after many more delays the subject ran the test . . ." After a series of delays totaling over an hour, the results were three correct out of 19 trials, while the odds by chance alone would have called for 3.2 correct.

This is what always happens during these preliminary tests. No one has yet passed any preliminary tests for the JREF prize. What made this set of tests of particular importance was that the two American sponsors had invested a total of $80,000 in these claimants, thoroughly confident that they would win the prize. Though Andrew Harter and myself tried to warn the Americans not to make such an investment, our pleas -- as they say -- fell on deaf ears.

We want to thank sincerely all those who were involved in acting on behalf of the JREF to conduct this test. I'm sure there was a certain amount of dismay on their part when they saw the extreme disillusionment of the sponsors. I have assured them however that those who were deceived always manage to make adjustments in their thinking, and can rationalize away such failures for reasons that have nothing to do with whether or not they were cheated, lied to, or swindled. We can look forward to hearing from the Americans that they are still convinced of the magical powers of these martial artists - who have obviously discovered that there is more advantage in promoting nonsense and superstition than in teaching a legitimate art.

You may wish to go to, the web page of
I. G. M. P., and see just how much they will charge to teach blind people to see. It amounts to $116,500 for the full course. To quote their advertisement:

Objects around us generate vibrations and ILMU GETARAN MERPATI PUTIH relies on our innate ability to detect the vibrations of objects nearby. This ability or sense can be improved by practice.

Well, 20 years of practice doesn't seem to have improved the Indonesian practitioner who performed for the preliminary test in Utah. He did no better than a Chinese fortune cookie. And just why didn't the "Master" of these performers allow himself to be tested? There has to be a very good reason for that, though the believers will reason around it. This group is very similar to the Mexicans I tested some years ago on Japanese television, in that they, too, claim that they can teach the blind to see. This is a cruel hoax and deception. We at the JREF are very distressed to know that these things are going on, and that we are essentially powerless to stop them.



Sayembara dengan hadiah 1 juta USD

The One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge adalah sebuah tantangan yg disayembarakan oleh The James Randi Educational Foundation yg bersedia untuk memberikan hadiah sebesar 1.000.000 USD kepada siapa aja yg bisa memberikan bukti ilmiah untuk kegiatan paranormal, hal-hal ttg supranatural, kejadian yg berbau mistik atau kekuatan yg berasal dari pemujaan. Sampai saat ini belum ada satupun yg berhasil membawa pulang hadiah tersebut, bahkan tidak ada satupun orang yg berhasil lolos dari tes awal.

Banyak yg berkata bahwa ngga akan ada orang yg berhasil memenangkan hadiah tersebut. Banyak yg mencurigai bahwa pihak James Randi Educational Foundation tidak akan pernah meloloskan satu orang pun dari tes-tes awal. Sayembara tersebut di terbitkan di tahun 1987 dan ngga ada satu peserta pun yg berhasil melewati tes-tes awal. Website JREF’s menyatakan bahwa tes awal tsb untuk menentukan mampu-tidaknya seorang peserta untuk melakukan apa-apa yg menjadi bahan di tes wal tersebut. Para calon peserta yg gagal diperbolehkan untuk mendaftar kembali 12 bulan dia gagal.

Orang2 terkenal yg pernach nyoba :
* Sylvia Browne. A well-known claimed psychic medium and author of numerous books on spirituality. On September 3, 2001, Sylvia Browne accepted the specific protocol for a definitive test for the JREF million-dollar challenge, on Larry King Live.
* Prophet Yahweh (Ramon Watkins) the UFO caller has applied for the million dollar challenge.

James Randi alias Amazing Randi, seorang mantan pesulap di Amerika sejak lebih dari sepuluh tahun yang lalu telah menyebarkan 'tantangan' kepada siapa saja yang dapat membuktikan keberadaan kekuatan paranormal atau supranatural.

Hadiah yang disediakan oleh James Randi Educational fund gak tanggung-tanggung: Satu Juta US Dollar (hampir 10 milyar perak, men).

Saratnya gampang-gampang susah, klaim paranormal itu harus bisa dilakukan dan diulangi (repeatable) dibawah pengawasan yang bisa diterima secara ilmiah.

Dari beberapa artikel yang saya baca, contoh-contoh pengujian klaim paranormal tersebut ada berbagai macam.

Seorang yang mengaku mempunyai daya telepati akan ditempatkan di satu ruang tertutup dengan seorang pengawas dan berbagai kamera sedangkan 'penerima pesan' di kamar lain. Si telepatist diminta melihat satu kartu secara acak lalu 'mengirim pesan' dan dalam waktu 1 menit si penerima harus menulis angka dan warna kartu tersebut. Test disebut berhasil bila pengirim dan penerima bisa mensinkronkan 10 kartu secara far belum ada yang berhasil.

Seorang yang mengklaim punya tenaga telekinesis (penghantaran tenaga jarak jauh) akan diuji dengan meletakkan suatu benda dalam ruang atau bejana kaca kedap udara dan diminta untuk menggerakkan benda tersebut tanpa menyentuh bejananya. Lagi-lagi belum ada yang berhasil.

Ada lagi (kalau gak salah) seorang guru taichi yang mengklaim sanggup mengontrol gerakan orang lain (model ilmu kontak). Saat di tes serupa dengan ujian telepati (ditempatkan di ruang terpisah, diawasi dengan kamera yang waktunya sudah disinkronisasi), ternyata gerakan si guru dan muridnya sama-sekali gak ada mirip-miripnya.

Pernah lagi ada anak turunan rusia yang mengklaim mampu membaca dengan mata tertutup (model yang sering kita lihat lah). Ternyata setelah Oom Randi mengganti penutup matanya....gagal total..... (beritanya sampai masuk majalah time,9565,199773,00.html )

Dan lain-lain, dan sebagainya.... the fact is uang hadiah 1 juta dollar ini masih utuh.

Nah, kira-kira ada gak ya orang indonesia yang bisa merebut hadiah tersebut ...?? Mumpung hadiahnya masih tersedia karena barusan ada pengumuman bahwa apabila sampai tahun 2010 tidak yang berhasil, tantangan ini akan dihapus dan uang hadiah digunakan untuk keperluan lain.

Pan disini banyak tuh yang bisa diujikan: baca pikiran, pukulan jarak jauh, keris melayang, pindah benda dll.

Sayangnya salah satu saratnya adalah jenis pengujian bukan berbentuk sesuatu yang membahayakan si penantang, jadi kaya'nya ilmu kebal gak bisa masuk .

Sekilas Tentang JREF :

JREF merupakan lembaga yang mencari pembuktian kekuatan supranatural yang sering muncul di banyak negara termasuk Amerika, jepang, meksiko, filipina, indonesia, dll. JREF menawarkan 1000000 USD (mendekati 10 milliar) hingga hari ini bagi mereka yang mampu membuktikan kemampuan supranatural. Tahun 2000 Merpati Putih mengikuti test di utah atas sponsor dari dua pengusaha Amerika senilai 80.000 USD dan yakin akan memenangkan 1 juta dollar mengingat reputasi Merpati Putih di Indonesia sudah Turun Temurun. Pada test awal (preeleminary test) Perwakilan merpati putih (yang sudah 20 tahun berlatih) mendemonstrasikan keahlian mata tertutupnya dan mendapatkan akurasi 100%. ketika penutup mata diganti dengan penutup mata dari pihak JREF, akurasi turun drastis mendekati nol. Merpati Putih gagal membuktikan kemampuannya melihat dengan mata tertutup dan dianggap sebagai salah satu HOAX terkenal dari Indonesia (try google "Merpati Putih Hoax").

Pendapat Kaskuser :

Merpati Putih adalah Perguruan Pencak Silat yang ilmiah, tidak ada mantra dan klenik. Semua realitas dan logis. Kemampuan pesilat Merpati Putih mematahkan benda-benda keras seperti kikir, baja, gagang pompa, pipa beton, dsb. didapat dari zat yang disebut Adenose Triposphat (ATP).

Setiap saat kita melakukan suatu kegiatan yang tidak kita sadari yaitu bernapas. Menghirup napas bisa dikatakan sebagai usaha membersihkan paru-paru. Peristiwa pernapasan melibatkan oksigen (zat asam), sehingga terjadilah peristiwa kimiawi yang disebut oksidasi dan menimbulkan panas atau energi.

Dalam teori listrik, kekurangan satu elektron dari satu atom akan menimbulkan gaya listrik. Ketika kita menghirup napas yang kemudian ditahan, akan terjadi pula kekurangan zat asam. Pada saat berlangsung kekurangan ini, timbul suatu zat baru yang sangat aktif untuk membantu mempercepat pengulangan peristiwa kimiawi tadi. Zat ini dikenal sebagai Adenose Triposphat atau disingkat ATP. Tenaga yang ditimbulkan ATP ini adalah 5 kali tenaga yang dihasilkan oleh peristiwa oksidasi itu sendiri.

Untuk mendapatkan ATP diperlukan syarat-syarat, seperti penegangan otot, kemudian digabungkan dengan kemampuan psikis dan biologis. Kalau proses oksidasi terus berulang dengan cepat maka akan timbul getaran. Getaran bisa ditingkatkan frequensinya bila kita mengenal ciri-cirinya.
Teknik getaran inilah yang dimanfaatkan Merpati Putih untuk memecahkan benda-benda keras seperti balok es, batang pompa dragon, beton cor, kikir atau per mobil.

Dengan mengirim getaran lewat tangan, kaki atau kepala akan mempengaruhi susunan molekul pada benda yang akan dipatahkan. Pada saat molekul pada garis yang kita jadikan sasaran itu berada dalam keadaan labil, maka sasaran itu kita hantam. Jadi yang terpenting disini bukan kekuatan tetapi momentum pukulan.

Dengan alat yang disebut osciloscope telah berhasil dideteksi lima macam getaran yang ada pada murid Merpati Putih. Sedangkan menurut Dewan Guru masih ada getaran keenam, tetapi masih dalam taraf pengujian. Apakah getaran keenam ini merupakan "Senjata Pamungkas" dari MP kita tunggu saja kiprah Merpati Putih lebih lanjut.

Merpati Putih menggunakan tenaga dalam asli manusia, dengan permainan napas. Pada orang biasa, tenaga asli tersebut dapat dilihat dan digunakan hanya pada saat orang bersangkutan dalam kondisi terdesak saja. Misal: melompat pagar saat anjing mengejarnya di jalan yang buntu. Dalam keadaan kembali normal / tidak terdesak, orang tersebut serasa tidak percaya telah melompati pagar yang tinggi tersebut. Maka di dalam Pencak Silat ini, bagaimana menggunakan tenaga ekstra asli manusia tersebut pada saat normal, kapanpun dan dimanapun.

Secara normal sel dalam tubuh manusia menghasilkan zat yang bernama Adenosine Triphospate (A.T.P) yang merupakan cadangan energi dalam tubuh. Maka dengan bantuan teknik olah nafas, tenaga tersembunyi manusia itu dapat di latih untuk diperoleh dan dikumpulkan di dalam tubuh. Ada banyak Jurus (teknik olah) Pernapasan di dalam Pencak Silat ini diantaranya Pernapasan Pembinaan dan Pernapasan Pengolahan. Juga Ada beberapa Teknik Jurus diantaranya adalah Rangkaian Gerakan Terikat (RGT) dan Rangkaian Gerakan Bebas (RGB) Selain itu juga ada beberapa Teknik Langkah dan Gerak, diantaranya adalah Langkah Praktis dan Gerak Praktis.

Selain dari Diri Sendiri (energi badan), pengambilan energi getaran di Pencak Silat Merpati Putih ini dapat pula diambil dari alam seperti dari Bumi (energi tanah juga pohon yang berusia amat tua), atau bahkan energi dari Angkasa (energi bintang, matahari ataupun bulan.

Beberapa tahun belakangan, ilmu tenaga dalam Merpati Putih yang mengandung energi dan getaran ini telah diselidiki lebih jauh secara ilmu pengetahuan dan dikembangkan juga untuk pengobatan serta untuk kepentingan orang tuna netra, agar mereka bisa membaca, membedakan dan mengenali warna serta dapat mempermudah segala aktivitas lainnya sehari-hari.

Jadi No Tipu, No Sihir, No Mantra, No Uka2, Beladiri Ini Sudah Ada Sejak 1550 Dan Organisasi Ini Baru Didirikan Tahun 1963. Malah Kalo Ada Yang Pake "Isian" / Susuk/ Atau Jin Trus Masuk Ke MP Biasanya Bawaannnya Pada Mental And Hilang Gan Coz MP Energinya Berlawanan Degan Yang Begitu2an.. Dengan Segala Kerendahan Diri Mohon Maaf Bukannya Saya Mau Sombong (Karena Katanya Pak Ustad Sifat Sombong Hanya Milik Allah SWT)..

Kalo Di MP Kabarnya Dulu Dikembangkan Juga Oleh Para Anggota MP KOPASSUS Dan Kesatuan ABRI Lainnya Sebagai Alternatif Pengganti Night Vision Google, Karena Dulu Harganya Sangat Tinggi ,Mahal Dan Yang Memproduksi NVG Belum Banyak, Bayangin Aja Gimana Kalau Lagi Perang Tengah Malem Terus Senjatanya Macet And Gak Ada Alat Penerangan, Kan Dia Harus Bongkar Pasang Tu Senjata Buat Cari Apa Yang Bikin Macet Senjatanya, Terakhir Digunakan Oleh Gegana Buat Ngedeteksi Lokasi Bomb Dengan Cepat, Soalnya Dulu MP Pertama Kali Dibuka Bukan Buat Orang Sipil, Tapi Buat Militer.

Dikutip Dari :
"Pada awalnya ilmu beladiri Pencak Silat ini hanya khusus diajarkan kepada Komando Pasukan Khusus ditiap kesatuan ABRI dan Polisi serta Pasukan Pengawalan Kepresidenan (Paspampres)."

"Beberapa tahun belakangan, ilmu tenaga dalam Merpati Putih yang mengandung energi dan getaran ini telah diselidiki lebih jauh secara ilmu pengetahuan dan dikembangkan juga untuk pengobatan serta untuk kepentingan orang tuna netra, agar mereka bisa membaca, membedakan dan mengenali warna serta dapat mempermudah segala aktivitas lainnya sehari-hari."

Jadi Bukan Buat Gaya2an Atau Sulap2an Kayak Agan2 Bilang And Sama Sekali Bukan Blinfold Palsu, Karena Ilmu Ini Juga Dikembangkan Untuk Orang Buta, Saya Pernah Lihat Di Video Ada Yang Bisa Ilmu Getaran Tapi Orangnya Betul2 Buta And Gak Punya Bola Mata Gan, Jadi Sama Sekali Bukan Tipuan, Saya Juga Pernah Lihat Langsung Gan, Tapi Kalau Agan Apatis Ya Silahkan Saja..

Tanggapan Dari Pewaris MP :
Nehemia Budi Setyawan

Memang isu ini sudah muncul sejak lama mas. Tanggapan saya mas :
1. Mengenai James Randy. Sudah banyak yang protes terhadap penyelenggaraan tsb karena dinilai tidak fair / curang (mengakal2i para peserta sayembara) hingga akhirnya kegiatan s...ayembara tsb skrg sdh dilarang oleh pihak USA sendiri. Atlit kita pada tahap pertama berhasil 100% dengan semua tantangan yg diberikan. Tahap berikutnya disinilah kecurangan mereka, dengan dalih yg banyak akhirnya mereka memberikan cairan khusus (metanol) pada mata atlit. Hingga akhirnya seluruh atlit kita mata nya perih dan tidak bisa berkonsentrasi. Kita pun sudah melayangkan protes kepada panitia sayembara akan tetapi krn memang sdh berawal dgn niat tidak baik maka kita akhirnya memutuskan utk keuar dari sayembara tsb.

2. Mengenai tanggapan keilmuan getaran yg harusnya bisa didedikasikan kepada saudara kita yang tunanetra. Awal pengembangan keilmuan getaran pun sdh kita kembangkan kepada para tunanetra. Diawali pilot project yang langsung ditangani oleh ayah saya (Mas Budi). Kurang lebih ada 20 orang tunanetra utk pilot project tsb. Mas Budi mengaji mereka sbg penganti ongkos praktek pijat mereka, dan saya ingat mas Budi sendiri yang menjemput dan mengantar para tunanetra tsb dari tempat mereka. Berikut nya berkembang di Jogja hingga ke Malang dan Bali. Dan terkahir adalah para tunanetra dar Oman. Hanya karena kita terbentur dana utk pengembangan pelatihan tuna netra tsb akhirnya project tsb lambat laun hilang. Pernah juga kita mengajukan kerja sama dgn Dep Sos tapi blm ada tanggapan hingga skrg. Jadi intinya MP sgt terbuka membantu utk hal kemanusiaan.

3. Mengenai gempa / bencana alam, perlu diketahui kejadian yg menimpa negara kita byk anggota kita yang turun langsung kok mas. Tp memang tidak di blow up secara besar2an krn hal tsb spontanitas krn kesadaran kita utk kemanusiaan. Dan saya juga sedang merintis kerja sama dengan PMI dan International Red Cross dalam hal bencana alam tsb ke depannya.

4. Mengenai ilmu MP tu menggunakan magic / amalan dsb... sekali lagi saya tegaskan dan jamin kl di MP tidak ada amalan atau persyaratan tertentu utk bsa mendalami keilmuan MP secara utuh. Kl pun dari pihak luar yg mempertanyakan ya diminta saja utk membuktikannya atau dgn cara lain mereka ikut latihan MP hingga mereka bs menilai apakah ilmu MP itu ada klenik / dsb nya.

Kira2 itu ya mas tanggapan dari saya mengenai artikel yang tertulis di kas kus. Semoga berkenan. Nuwun.

Partisipasi di JREF

Pada tanggal 7 oktober 2000, bertempat di Salt Lake City USA, Merpati putih yang dipimpin oleh Ketuanya, mengikuti sayembara yang diadakan oleh JREF (James Randy Educational Fondation) yang berhadiah 1.000.000 dollar, merpati putih mendemonstrasikan ilmu yang dinamakan vibravision (getaran). Pada demo pertama menggunakan tutup mata yang dibawa sendiri. Kontestan dari merpati putih yang merupakan murid senior yang telah berpengalaman selama 20 tahun dalam bidang ini, unjuk gigi dengan berhasil mencari warna bendera yang sesuai dengan yang ditunjukkan dengan tingkat akurasi 100 persen, akan tetapi keesokan harinya ketika tes dimulai oleh pihak JREF dengan menggunakan tutup mata yang disediakan oleh panitia, akurasi dari kontestan Merpati Putih turun drastis hingga mendekati 0 persen yaitu hanya 3 yang benar dari 19 percobaaan.

Berikut adalah kronologis kegiatan tersebut:

Acara utama sesungguhnya adalah meresmikan cabang MP di Utah, Amerika Serikat. Penandatanganan akte notaris, mencoba bentuk/model organisasi/perguruan pencaksilat yg di manage modern, lengkap dengan paten, perizinan, rancangan kerja yang bisa menghidupi perguruan dan juga para pelatihnya. Juga sekaligus mengunjungi pusat pelayanan tunanetra di San Fransisco.

Bonusnya mencoba tantangan James Randy. Pelaksanaannya di Weber University, Ogden, Utah. Bertempat di laboratorium fisika (unggulan Weber University pada fakultas fisika). Bentuk bangunan mirip planetarium, tapi pendek. Atapnya setengah bola, dari beton tebal. Kalau di dalam, handphone mati signal. Betul-betul kedap suara dan kedap gelombang elektronik. Frekuensi berapapun tidak akan bisa keluar masuk lab. Letak lab itu agak jauh dari gedung kampus, dekat dengan pangkalan pelatihan F-16, yang dijamin tidak kelihatan di peta. Agak misterius.

Masuk lab melalui pintu dan dinding berlapis. Ditengah ruangan ada kotak yg dijadikan meja, ukurannya sekitar lebar 1 meter, tinggi 90 cm, panjang 4-5 meter. Ujung-ujung meja ditutup logam selebar 60 cm. Meja tersebut bermuatan listrik statis yg cukup kuat. Ada yg seperti berdengung dibawah kotak. Tidak diduga, pesilat yg di test akan duduk disitu. Menjelang pelaksanaan test, kecuali para pesilat dan Nate Zelesnick sebagai saksi, disamping para "sarjana fisika" sebagai petugas yang melakukan pengetesan, semua harus meninggalkan gedung lab. Setelah selesai, mereka keluar, dan dinyatakan gagal. Terjadi keributan kecil karena Nate protes keras. Tissue basah yang dipakai membersihkan seputar mata terasa amat pedas, sangat mengganggu konsentrasi, protes di dalam lab tidak diterima. Anggota tim, dokter Heru (mahasiswa super spesialis bedah pita suara di fakultas kedokteran Utah university, pelatih MP), masuk untuk melihat sampel tissue. Ternyata yg dipakai adalah tissue basah antiseptic yang dipakai dokter bedah militer untuk membersihkan sekitar luka sebelum operasi darurat. Sangat pedas. Apalagi kelopak mata belum kering langsung ditempel semacam lakban kedap sinar.

Karena ujicoba adalah jenis paling mudah dibanding kualifikasi pesilat yg diuji (hanya mendeteksi warna-warna potongan kain yg diacak diatas kotak/meja), padahal kualifikasi kemampuan deteksi lebih dari itu, misal mendeteksi urutan setumpuk kartu bridge tanpa salah, mendeteksi narkoba yang disembunyikan, dan sebagainya). Merpati Putih kecolongan tidak waspada karena ada jebakan pada pasal-pasal yg ditandatangani.

Kesimpulan, protes ditolak. Meski esok sorenya, mata para pesilat baru bisa sembuh dari merah gatal.

Atas bantuan dari seorang informal leader di Utah yang sekaligus sahabat dari (alm) Gus Dur, pesilat Merpati Putih diuji coba sekali lagi di bagian kedokteran mata Universitas Utah. Hasilnya berhasil 100%.

Kenyataannya, tantangan James Randy sudah hampir 10 tahun tidak ada satupun yang berhasil dinyatakan sebagai pemenang.

Kemungkinan terbesar, lab itu untuk ujicoba semacam peralatan militer yg mengganggu pancaran gelombang otak.

Sejak itu organisasi ini dikenal sebagai hoax oleh media barat dan dianggap hanya mengajarkan tahyul dan bukan seni bela diri sesungguhnya. Beragam pendapat dan opini berkembang. Tetapi Merpati Putih legowo menerima kenyataan bahwa telah terjadi kegagalan saat uji tersebut (apapun alasannya).

Meski demikian, justru perkembangan Merpati Putih di luar negeri menjadi semakin marak karena vibravision (getaran) merupakan suatu kebenaran yang tidak bisa ditutup-tutupi dan bisa dibuktikan. Universitas Utah sangat terkesan dan bahkan Special Force Amerika sangat tertarik dengan teknik ini. Mulai dari Jepang, Caledonia, Perancis, Belanda, Jerman, banyak yang tertarik dengan Merpati Putih terutama dengan seni olah pernafasannya. Tantangan JREF menjadi berkah tersendiri dan menambah kedewasaan Merpati Putih di dalam kiprah kemanusiaannya di dunia. Tuhan Maha Pemurah, dibalik kesulitan, tentu ada jalan.

Atas usaha yang keras dan tekun dari kedua pewaris (Mas Poerwoto Hadi Poernomo dan Mas Budi Santoso Hadi Poernomo) Merpati Putih dikenal masyarakat secara luas.

Perkembangan Merpati Putih dari sejak berdiri tanggal 2 April 1963 sampai saat ini dapat dicatat sebagai berikut:

  • Tahun 1968 mendapat kehormatan melatih anggota seksi I Korem 072 dan Anggota Bataliyon 403/ Diponegoro di Yogyakarta
  • Tahun 1973 bekerja sama dengan AKABRI udara dan beberapa tenaga ahli dari fakultas kedokteran Universitas Gajah Mada dipimpin oleh Prof .Dr .Achmad Muhammad, mengadakan penelitian dari segi-segi yang menyangkut metode latihan Betako Merpati Putih. Hasil penelitian ini mendorong pengembangan yang lebih luas wawasan Merpati Putih.
  • Tahun 1976 mendapat kehormatan melatih para Anggota Pasukan Pengawal Presiden ( PASWAPRES ).
  • Tahun 1977 Terbentuk Cabang Jakarta dan sekaligus mendapat peluang melatih para anggota Koppasandha di Cijantung.
  • 5 oktober 1978 peragaan hasil latihan oleh Anggota Koppasandha tersebut pada perayaan HUT ABRI.
  • Tahun 1983 kerja sama dengan pusat jasmani Militer Komando Pengembangan Pendidikan dan latihan TNI AD
  • Tahun 1984 kerja sama dengan Rumah Sakit Pusat Pertamina Jakarta mengadakan penelitian tentang Manfaat latihan Merpati Putih.
  • Tahun 1987 kerja sama dengan yayasan jantung sehat dan Rumah Sakit Harapan Kita Jakarta, dipimpin oleh Dr.Dede Kuswara.
  • Tahun 1987 Tour bersama IPSI ke Eropa dalam misi Budaya Bangsa
  • Tahun 1989 Partisipasi dalam pembukaan SEA GAMES di Jakarta
  • Tahun 1990 bekerja sama dengan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia
  • Tahun 1991 pelatihan Tuna Netra
  • Tahun 1992 Membawa dan memperkenalkan Tuna Netra hasil latihan ke Eropa .
  • Tahun 1992 Partisipasi latihan untuk Tim PSSI Yunior (Kejuaraan Yunior Asia 1992 ) dan Tim PSSI PRA PIALA DUNIA 1992
  • Tahun 1994 Tour persahabatan ke Belanda
  • Tahun 1994 bersama KADIN peragaan di Brunei Darussalam
  • Tahun 1994 Melatih Tuna Netra Kerajaan Oman
  • Tahun 1995 kerja sama dengan yayasan Kartika Destarata (Yayasan Tunanetra Persit Kartika Chandra Kirana TNI AD ) melatih Tuna Netra se-Indonesia
  • Tahun 2009 bekerja sama dengan PEMPROV DKI Jakarta dalam upaya penyelamatan Sungai Ciliwung dari kerusakan
  • Tahun 2010 sedang diupayakan kerjasama dengan Palang Merah Internasional untuk tergabung dalam tim pencari korban bencana alam. Getaran akan digunakan untuk deteksi lokasi korban bencana alam (banjir, kebakaran, tanah longsor, dsb)

Selanjutnya dari Tahun ke Tahun PPS Betako Merpati Putih berkembang ke seluruh pelosok Tanah Air bahkan Manca Negara. Sampai saat ini telah terbentuk 10 PENGDA dan 89 Cabang di seluru Indonesia.

Merpati Putih adalah salah satu perguruan silat yang mendapatkan akses pada militer khusus dengan dilatihnya para special force Indonesia seperti Kopassus (TNI-AD), Marinir, Kopaska (TNI-AL), Paskhas (TNI-AU), Brimob (Kepolisian). Pelatihan ini menunjukkan tidak adanya unsur klenik atau magis di dalamnya. Merpati Putih juga aktif berpartisipasi di dalam event-event nasional dan internasional seperti World Martial Arts Festival dan International Martial Arts.

Para Dewan Guru, Guru Besar, Pewaris, dan Senior senantiasa mengembangkan secara aplikatif beragam aspek dari getaran. Beberapa hasil aplikatif dari getaran (vibravision) yang berhasil dikembangkan oleh Merpati Putih:

  • Program Normalisasi Diabetes
  • Program Pelatihan Tuna Netra (atau siapa saja yang kehilangan daya lihat karena kecelakaan atau disebabkan oleh penyakit seperti Glukoma, Retinitis Pigmentosa dan lain-lain)
  • Program Pelatihan Tuna Netra yang buta total akibat kerusakan pada mata yang akut
  • Program Kecantikan Kulit
  • Program 'Lepas Kacamata' bagi mata yang minus, plus, atau silinder
  • Program Penghancuran Batu Ginjal (masih tahap riset)
  • Regenerasi sel-sel tubuh (program kebugaran untuk manula dan yang menderita penyakit)
  • Deteksi radiasi nuklir (bekerja sama dengan BATAN). Hasilnya, getaran Merpati Putih lebih cepat mendeteksi keberadaan radiasi dibanding alat dari BATAN
  • Deteksi narkoba di Mapolda Metro Jaya (Jakarta, bekerja sama dengan Brimob DKI Jakarta). Hasilnya, getaran Merpati Putih dapat menunjukkan lokasi penyimpanan narkoba meski disembunyikan pada mobil, kantong, jaket, lemari, sepatu, dan yang lainnya.